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Audiovisual Translation

Audiovisual and video game translation is a specialised service aimed at an increasingly large and demanding market, in an industry which has gradually become one of the largest and most successful in the world.

Audiovisual Translation Services

Audiovisual translation is a specialised translation service for audiovisual content such as series, movies, documentaries, corporate videos, advertisements or video games.

Professional Translations

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Audiovisual Translation

Audiovisual translation not only involves the translation of dialogue, but also the localisation of cultural elements, subtitling, dubbing, voice-over and adaptations to different formats and platforms.

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Video Game Translation

Video games are designed for global consumption, therefore it is necessary for their translation to be faithful to the original intention of the creator and maintain the quality and coherence of the message in different languages and cultures.

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Professional Translators

It is crucial to not only have professional translators specialised in the audiovisual and video games industry, but also the technological tools necessary to guarantee the quality and coherence of the message, and the management team running smoothly.

Video Game Producers & Developers

Therefore, the target market of this type of service includes both video game production companies and developers as well as movie studios, television channels and streaming platforms, as well as end consumers seeking to enjoy content in their native language.

Important Factors in Audiovisual Translation

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Complete Audiovisual translation

Localisation of cultural elements, subtitling, dubbing and adaptations to different formats and platforms.

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Translation Technology

It is crucial to not only have professional translators specialised in the audiovisual and video games industry, but also the technological tools necessary to guarantee quality.

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Video Game Localisation

Video game localisation is a speciality encompassed by audiovisual translation and focused on adapting the content of a video game to the cultural and linguistic needs of a specific audience.

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Specialised Translators

It is essential to have specialised localisation translators, with the right technical and human team, without overlooking the creative skills to maintain coherence and fluidity in the playing experience.

Some Examples on Audiovisual Translation

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Script Translation

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Dialogue Adaptation

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ISO-certified Audiovisual Translations

Our translation agency has the ISO standards, guaranteeing that translation processes are carried out following the required quality standards.

ISO-Certified Quality Translation

ISO 9001 Quality Seal
ISO 9001

ISO 9001 for general quality processes.

ISO 17100 Quality Seal
ISO 17100

ISO 17100 for quality applied directly to the management and execution of translation projects.

ISO 18587 Quality Seal
ISO 18587

ISO 18587 for quality applied to the tools used in machine translation processes.

ISO 18587 Quality Seal
ISO 13485

The ISO 13485 certificate is an international standard that sets requirements for quality management systems in the medical device industry.

Frequently Asked Questions about Audiovisual & Video Game Translation


What elements of a video game are localised?

Video game localisation involves translating all elements of the game that contain text, audio, images or any other element that affects the user's experience in terms of language and culture. This includes anything from menus and subtitles, to character dialogue, object descriptions, instructions and other elements that form part of the game.

Graphical elements such as icons and buttons can also be localised, always trying to culturally adapt content to be relevant for the target audience.


What audiovisual media do you work with?

To localise audiovisual content, we need to consider a variety of audiovisual media, such as audio, on-screen text, menus and subtitles.

In the specific case of video games, the dubbing of dialogue, the adaptation of character names and game elements, and the selection of voices and sound effects also needs to be taken into account.


What formats of audiovisual content can be translated?

A wide variety of audiovisual content formats can be translated, such as films, TV shows, documentaries, adverts, corporate videos, educational videos and promotional videos, etc.

In the case of video games, dialogue, menus, instructions, interface texts, graphical elements and any other component that is needed for the player to understand the plot of the game and play properly are translated.


How do you do audiovisual translations for the blind?

Audiovisual translation for the blind is known as audio description and consists of the narration of visual elements that aren't evident through dialogue or sound.

A specific script is required for audio description to describe the relevant visual elements, such as characters, settings, camera movements and other visual details that are important for the understanding of the plot.

Audio-describers have to be able to synthesise and communicate visual information concisely and clearly. It's also important to consider pacing and synchronisation with the original material so that the audio description doesn't interrupt the flow of the narration.