Pharmaceutical document translation service with accuracy and confidentiality.
Working with a team of translators specialised in the pharmaceutical sector guarantees a clear and consistent translation of the texts.
Pharmaceutical Translation requires the involvement of specialised translators who possess not only a high level of knowledge of the working languages, but also of the specific terms and processes of the pharmaceutical sector.
Pharmaceutical Translation encompasses a wide variety of documents related with the field of pharmaceuticals, which include medication labels, prospectuses, technical datasheets, clinical studies, scientific articles, and regulatory communications.
It is essential for these translations to be carried out with accuracy and rigour, as any error or ambiguity may have significant consequences for the health and safety of patients.
Translators specialised in the pharmaceutical industry must possess an in-depth knowledge of pharmaceutical technology, as well as taking into account the policy and regulatory requirements of each country or region.
One of the main concerns in pharmaceutical translation is accuracy in terminology. This is a concern that extends to various sectors and specialities, such as aeronautical and transport translation and even financial and legal translation, as they all fall under the umbrella of technical translation.
The technical terms used in these documents are complex and require an in-depth understanding of processes.
It is important for translators to have a good knowledge of the terms used in both languages to be able to offer an accurate and coherent translation.
In addition to accuracy in terminology, another crucial factor in pharmaceutical translation is confidentiality.
In the pharmaceutical sector, the translation of documentation is essential. Documents from laboratory studies and medications must be translated with accuracy and consistency.
These standards are of great importance in the translation industry, and even more so for translation companies such as Word Works, which offers specialised services in these areas and take quality very seriously.
ISO 9001 for general quality processes.
ISO 17100 for quality applied directly to the management and execution of translation projects.
ISO 18587 for quality applied to the tools used in machine translation processes.
The ISO 13485 certificate is an international standard that sets requirements for quality management systems in the medical device industry.