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Website Translation

The translation of websites and applications is key for companies seeking to expand their presence in the global market and to reach multilingual audiences.

To obtain a quality translation, it is essential to have a specialised website translator.

We are the solution you are seeking to translate your websites and APPs

At Word Works we manage linguistic projects, and of course have teams specialised in localisation and translation of websites and APPs.

Website and APPs Content Translation

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Translation & Localisation

It is very important to highlight that website translation is a service that involves much more than translation itself, as a website requires something more than just translation: it requires localisation.

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Adaptation to the Audience

The translator adapts the content of the website to the markets it is aimed at. It is not a simple translation of content, but instead requires understanding the browsing experience and objectives of the website translation itself.

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Management of Website Translation Projects

At Word Works, we regularly manage website translation projects, and have a large team of specialised translators and technicians.

Translation of website content, social networks, articles, forums, communities, newsletters, APPs, etc.

By contracting a professional translation agency like Word Works, you are contracting experience, quality and commitment in our translations. After accumulating over 30 years of experience in the translation industry, we have been able to adapt to new technologies and apply our knowledge in emerging communication tools to expand the audience and markets of our customers.

Important Factors in APPs and Websites Translations

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Website Translators

Specialised translation companies and agencies like Word Works have teams of professional translators specialised in different areas, including the translation of websites.

These translators have experience in the translation of web content and are familiarised with the technical and linguistic aspects required for an accurate and effective translation.

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Specific Format & Design

The translation of websites requires taking a series of specific considerations into account. Firstly, it is important to proceed on the basis that websites usually have a specific format and design, therefore the translation must be adapted to the structure of the original site.

This involves paying attention to browsing menus, action buttons, links and images, among other elements.

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Brand Consistency

Another important aspect is the localisation of content. The translation of websites must be adapted to the linguistic characteristics of the target market, which includes the conversion of currencies, units of measurement and specific cultural references.

Aspects such as the direction of writing, the selection of keywords and limitation of characters must also be considered.

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Linguistic Characteristics

Another important aspect is the localisation of content. The translation of websites must be adapted to the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the target market, which includes the use of local currency, conversion of units of measurement and adaptation of specific cultural references.

Linguistic and format differences must also be considered, such as the direction of writing and selection of the appropriate typography.

Types of Website Translations

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Blogs & Articles

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Online Stores

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Forums & Communities

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Web APPs

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Legal Texts

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ISO-certified Website Translations

Translation companies working with the Advertising industry must comply with the quality and efficiency standards that govern the industry. The ISO 17100 standard establishes the requirements that translation service providers must comply with to guarantee the quality of their work. In turn, the ISO 9001 standard establishes the requirements for a quality management system at any type of company.

ISO-Certified Quality Translation

ISO 9001 Quality Seal
ISO 9001

ISO 9001 for general quality processes.

ISO 17100 Quality Seal
ISO 17100

ISO 17100 for quality applied directly to the management and execution of translation projects.

ISO 18587 Quality Seal
ISO 18587

ISO 18587 for quality applied to the tools used in machine translation processes.

ISO 18587 Quality Seal
ISO 13485

The ISO 13485 certificate is an international standard that sets requirements for quality management systems in the medical device industry.